Learn TypeScript

Creating generic classes

Creating generic classes

We are going to learn how to create a generic class in this lesson.

Generic class syntax

The syntax for a generic class is similar to that of a generic interface:

class ClassName<T1, T2, ...> {

The members of the class can reference the types passed into it.

Generic class example

We will implement a generic list class where the type for the list items is passed into the class as a generic parameter.

TypeScriptOpen exercise in CodeSandbox

The code contains the start of the generic list implementation.

  • Continue the implementation by adding a strongly-typed add method to the class. This method has a single parameter for the list item to be added. The implementation should add the new list item to the items array.
  • Let's create an instance of this generic class:
const numberList = new List<number>();

So, we have created a class that will manage a list of numbers.

  • Add a number to numberList:
  • Try adding a string to numberList:

Do we receive a type error?


Using generic classes allows classes to be created for general situations that can be applied to a specific situation by supplying types as parameters.

Well done - we are now comfortable creating our own generic types!

Next, we will learn how we can define a default type for a generic parameter.

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