Learn TypeScript

Using `Object.freeze`

Using `Object.freeze`

In this lesson, we will explore how the JavaScript Object.freeze method can be used with TypeScripts' readonly` modifier to create immutable objects and arrays at both runtime and compile-time.

Using Object.freeze on arrays

Object.freeze is a JavaScript method that can make objects and arrays immutable at runtime. We are going to explore this along with TypeScript's readonly modifier in the TypeScript playground.

  • Open the TypeScript playground by clicking the link below:
Open TypeScript Playground
  • Paste the code from below into the TypeScript playground:
let billScores = Object.freeze([90, 65, 80]);

The code creates a frozen array.


What is the inferred type of billScores?

  • Let's try to add an array item to billScores:

Does a type error occur on this line of code?

  • Output billScores to the console at the end of the code:
  • Click the Run option in the TypeScript Playground and open the console.

Did the changes to the billScores array take place at runtime?


  • Clear the code from the TypeScript Playground, ready for the next section.

Using Object.freeze on objects

  • Let's add a simple object with a type to the TypeScript Playground:
let bill = Object.freeze({
name: "Bill",
age: 30,

The code creates a frozen object.


What is the inferred type of bill?

  • Let's try to change an age on bill:
bill.age = 31;

Does a type error occur on this line of code?

  • Output bill to the console at the end of the code:
  • Click the Run option in the TypeScript Playground and open the console.

Did the changes to the age property take place at runtime?


  • Add the following additional properties to the bill object:
let bill = Object.freeze({
scores: [90, 65, 80],
profile: {
level: 1
  • Remove the assigment to bill.age and add the following assignments just before the console.log statement:
bill.profile.level = 2;

Does a type error occur on these lines of code?

  • Click the Run option in the TypeScript and open the console.

Did the changes to the scores and level properties take place at runtime?

Object.freeze performs a shallow freeze on an object.


Object-freeze with the readonly modifier allows us to create immutable arrays and objects at runtime and compile-time. It is important to note that Object.freeze only performs a shallow freeze.

In the next lesson, we will learn how to implement readonly function parameters.

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