Learn TypeScript

Creating a basic conditional type

Creating a basic conditional type

In this lesson, we will learn what conditional types are and how to create them.

Understanding conditional types

Types that we create can have conditional logic, just like regular JavaScript code.

T1 extends T2 ? A : B

The conditional type syntax uses the ternary operator that we are familiar with from JavaScript code.

The extends keyword is used to define the condition. If T2 is within T1 then type A is used; otherwise, type B is used.

In the example below, Example1 resolves to string:

type Person = {
name: string;
age: number;
type Example1 = Person extends {} ? string : number;

Conditional types aren't very useful on their own but are extremely useful in generic types. A common use case is to use a conditional type with the never type to prune values from a type.

An example

We are going to create a conditional type in the code editor below:

The code contains a type that can be a string or null, and this is used in a firstName variable.

  • Let's start to create a type alias for a generic type called RemoveNull:
type RemoveNull<T> =
  • We want to remove null from the type. So, our condition will check whether the type contains null:
type RemoveNull<T> = T extends null;
  • When this condition is true, we don't want to use that part of the type because we want to remove null from it. We can use the never type for this:
type RemoveNull<T> = T extends null ? never;
  • When this condition is false, we do want to use that part of the type, so we can just return T:
type RemoveNull<T> = T extends null ? never : T;
  • Change the type of firstName to use RemoveNull as follows:
let firstName: RemoveNull<NullableString>;

A type error now occurs where firstName is assigned to null. Why is this so?.


We have just created a very similar type to a standard utility type called NonNullable. The definition of NonNullable is below:

type NonNullable<T> = T extends null | undefined ? never : T;

What is the difference (apart from the name) between RemoveNull and NonNullable?.


With the help of generics and the never type, conditional types allow utility types to be created that remove possible values from a type. This approach is heavily used within Typescript's standard utility types.

In the next lesson, we will learn how to infer a type within a generic conditional type.

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