Learn TypeScript

Using a user-defined type guard with a type predicate

Using a user-defined type guard with a type predicate

In this lesson, we will learn about a way of narrowing a type with a custom function.

Understanding a type predicate

A type predicate can be used in a function's return type to indicate the narrowed type of the parameter:

function isTypeName(paramName: WideTypeName): paramName is NarrowTypeName {
// some check
return boolean_result_of_check;

paramName is NarrowTypeName is the type predicate in the above function.

A type guard function must return a boolean value if a type predicate is used.

An example

We are going to explore a user-defined type guard with a type predicate in the code editor below:

TypeScriptOpen exercise in CodeSandbox

The editor contains the same example as we used in the last lesson.

  • Let's create a user defined type guard to check whether an object is a Person:
function isPerson(contact: Contact): contact is Person {
return (contact as Person).firstName !== undefined;

We could have used "firstName" in contact as the return statement, but this could be used directly as a type guard. A more common implementation for a user-defined type guard is to check whether properties have values, which is what we have done here.

  • In the sayHello function, output "Hello {firstName}" if the contact parameter is a Person using the isPerson type guard:
function sayHello(contact: Contact) {
if (isPerson(contact)) {
console.log("Hello " + contact.firstName);

What is the type of contact in the if branch?


  • Create a type guard function, called isOrganisation, to check whether an object is an Organisation.
  • Complete the sayHello function implementation by outputing "Hello {name}" if the contact parameter is an Organisation using the isOrganisation type guard function.

What is the type of contact in the if branch you just implemented?



A user-defined type guard can carry out checks on its parameter and use a type predicate to tell TypeScript its type. A user-defined type guard that uses a type predicate must return a boolean value.

In the next lesson, we will learn another method of implementing a user-defined type guard.

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