Learn TypeScript

Using mapped type modifiers

Using mapped type modifiers

In this lesson, we will learn what a mapped type modifier is and how it is useful.

Understanding a mapped type modifier

We used a mapped type modifier in the last lesson. This was when we made the keys in the mapped type optional by using a question mark (?) in front of the key's type annotation:

[K in keyof T]?: TypeName

The question mark is called a modifier. Another modifier is readonly:

readonly [K in keyof T]: TypeName

The readonly modifier makes a property in the mapped type readonly. We will learn more about readonly properties later in this course.

What if we have a type with optional keys and want to map this to a type that has required keys? What if we have a type with readonly properties and want to map it to a type with writable properties? Well, we can use the - symbol before the modifier to denote that the modifier should be removed if it exists.

Using the - symbol before a ? will map to a required key:

[K in keyof T]-?: TypeName

Using the - symbol before the readonly keyword will map to a writable property:

-readonly [K in keyof T]: TypeName

An example

As an example, in the code editor below, we will create a mapped type to make all the keys required.

TypeScriptOpen exercise in CodeSandbox

The code contains a Contact type with a variable that uses this type. Notice that some of the properties within the Contact type are optional. We are going to create a mapped type that will turn these into required properties.

  • Let's begin to implement the mapped type by adding the following generic type alias:
type RequiredProperties<T> = {};
  • Add the mapping of the keys to our mapped type:
type RequiredProperties<T> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: string;

We have used the - symbol before the ? symbol to turn the keys into being required.

  • Update the bob variable to use our mapped type:
const bob: RequiredProperties<Contact> = {
name: "Bob",

A type error occurs on bob. Why is this so?.

  • Add an email property to bob:
const bob: RequiredProperties<Contact> = {
name: "Bob",
email: "bob@somewhere.com",

The type error is resolved.


  • Let's add another property to the Contact type:
type Contact = {
age?: number;
  • Let's add a value for age to bob:
const bob: RequiredProperties<Contact> = {
name: "Bob",
email: "bob@somewhere.com",
age: 30,

A type error occurs on age in bob. Why is this so?.

  • We can resolve the type error by updating RequiredProperties as follows:
type RequiredProperties<T> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: T[K];

We have changed the key type from string to T[K]. This gets the corresponding type from the type being mapped from. It is called a lookup type or sometimes an indexed access type.

The type errors are now resolved.


What is the type of the age property in bob now?.


We have actually just created a type that already exists as a standard utility type called Required. The definition of Required is below:

type Required<T> = {
[P in keyof T]-?: T[P];

This is the same as the mapped type we created apart from its name.


Mapped type modifiers add flexibility in mapped types to make properties required and writable.

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