Learn TypeScript

Understanding the `readonly` modifier

Understanding the `readonly` modifier

In this lesson, we will learn about the readonly modifier that can be added to properties.

readonly modifier syntax

A property can be readonly by putting a readonly keyword before the property name:

type TypeName = {
readonly propertyName: PropertyType;

This can be applied to interface and class properties as well as type alias properties.

interface InterfaceName {
readonly propertyName: PropertyType;
class ClassName {
constructor(public readonly propertyName: PropertyType) {}

An example

We are going to explore the readonly modifier in the code editor below:

TypeScriptOpen exercise in CodeSandbox

The code contains a bob object of type Person.

  • Change the Person type so that the age property is readonly:

What happens if we try to change the age property on bob after its declaration?

bob.age = 31;
  • Add the following interface and object:
interface Animal {
name: string;
age: number;
const barry: Animal = {
name: "Barry",
age: 4,
  • Change the Animal type so that the age property is readonly:

What happens if we try to change the age property on barry after its declaration?

barry.age = 5;
  • Add a class called Vehicle containing a name property and a readonly topSpeed property:
  • Add the following code:
const mini = new Vehicle("Mini", 120);
mini.topSpeed = 125;

Why does a type error occur on line 2?

  • Now let's output all the values that we attempted to set, to the console:
console.log(bob.age, barry.age, mini.topSpeed);

The values output to the console are the values we set rather than the initial values. A type error was raised, so why didn't that stop the values from being updated?


The readonly modifier allows immutable primitive properties to be created. However, this is only compile-time immutability and not runtime immutability.

In the next lesson, we will learn how to create immutable objects and array properties.

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